VIP Metal Detectors Gold Detectors

تاريخ نشر الاعلان قطر, أغادير في 18/04/2011
شركة (VIPMETALDETECTOR) لأجهزة التنقيب عن الذهب VIPMETALDETECTOR
Top Detector 2011 device
Now we offer our customers the latest American detector, which detect gold and treasures under the ground.
The specifications of this device and its features make it any explorer or prospector wishes to the specifications of this device and its features is the dream of all explorers in the world.
High-tech - high resolution - small size - easy to use.
The latest technology to the latest device and electromagnetic imaging system which is characterized by ease of use and high strength to penetrate and the discovery of gold beneath the surface of the earth with all speed and without being influenced by any natural factors and finally to reach the target easily
this device has been updated in the largest U.S. factory to be a unique masterpiece in the hands of explorers treasures and relics.
(This device has the best international quality certification and manufacturing professional Certified scientific quality of the United Nations Foundation for Science and the effects of exploration and supported by it.)
Top Detector device runs a huge system of exploration in all areas, fields and historic cities and has a unique feature in the discovery of targets buried in the walls, castles and stone storage.
• The device works in archaeological sites and ancient churches, silos, and old houses, castles, walls and fences, and rivers in the mountains quietly and monitoring of certain goals without any trouble or fatigue or to move or destroy, remove or damage any of these buildings.
• a specialized system for the detection of caves and tunnels and rooms underground
• The device works in the field of security and exploration in a highly classified not affected by the device in any psychotropic
Foreign jamming does not affect any communication devices wired or wireless.
• Is not affected by soil , clay soil or desert or volcanic rocks and sedimentary rocks all kinds of rocks .
• the device has a high standard of quality and features a unique artistic , technical, and contains a lot of features that surprise you when you own the device. the device detects (gold, gold coins , gold bullion , gold-filled boxes , boxes of gold and the treasures of the Ottoman Paranoiac, Roman and all treasures accurately).
• Top Detector device utmost strength and effectiveness, and the utmost precision and success and the best equipment in whole and in the world in systems to detect metals of the Photogrammetry electromagnetic the device send a electromagnetic signs which high accurate and sensitive so that penetrates all layers of soil types and forms and whatever to discover the target, if any, without any problems
The idea of the device:
The device sends a strong electromagnetic currents to penetrate the soil and covering the area of detection reached 4m circular, square, and a private provider systems to search for gold metal only, so do not discover any other metal except gold, in the ground.
features and Technologies:
• the device works in different languages (Arabic - English - French - Persian)
• The total weight of the device with a full Extras 2 kg only
This specialist Detector detects the gold under the ground
• working on a system (AUF) (waves HD), which penetrate all types of soils.
• special keys to adjust the search operation , choose the power of search and the signal strength and control of audio levels.
• utmost accuracy, efficiency and speed in target detection and significance of them with all the clarity and great speed.
• Systems and the keys of a specialized operation and control of the device to begin work and detection.
• a specialized system detects the gold under the ground
• a specialized system detects the gold and silver.
• a specialized system for the detection of gold ore and gold veins and sand gold only
• sound system works when the device is above the target or near it.
• an expert system to locate the target and size accurately.
• a specialized system select target depth accurately.
• This device is designed world-class, working to fit in anywhere in the world.
• Works in all weather conditions and ground at all levels of temperature and humidity
• device removable to become a mini carrying case.
• Detects targets to a depth of 6 meters in a real and actual.
• covers the area revealed a circular for 4 squire meters
• Works on the strength of voltage 12-volt rechargeable battery.
• With electric charger 220-240 Volt
• The battery for 14 hours straight.
• headset provider.
• video to learn how to work the device
• Arabic and English Catalog
• Pride of modern American industry.
• 5 years guarantees on the main unit and one year for the rest of the parts and accessories

صور مرافقة

VIP Metal Detectors Gold Detectors

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الشحن لجميع انحاء العالم خلال 3 ايام
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شركة (VIPMETALDETECTOR) لأجهزة التنقيب عن الذهب VIPMETALDETECTOR الاسم
الكرنيش بجانب جريدة العرب العنوان
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تنبيه :
يرجى توخي الحذر عند التعامل مع أي ناشر لا يوفر معلومات مؤكدة, قم بنفسك بالاجراءات الواجبة للتمييز بين المشترين والبائعين قبل القيام بأي اتفاق.
